
random but i was thinking about this today and need to know, am i the only person whose voice gets really high when they're nervous and then my normal resting voice is like noticably lower? like the voice i use when i answer the phone is literally a different person


yes oh my god? i think about this so much


@dragonwritesthings Yeah, I would say that is pretty normal. At least it's the same for me. I think there is some biological reason for it.  Something about activating the fight & flight response, I would imagine.


random but i was thinking about this today and need to know, am i the only person whose voice gets really high when they're nervous and then my normal resting voice is like noticably lower? like the voice i use when i answer the phone is literally a different person


yes oh my god? i think about this so much


@dragonwritesthings Yeah, I would say that is pretty normal. At least it's the same for me. I think there is some biological reason for it.  Something about activating the fight & flight response, I would imagine.


Hii I just wanted to tell you how much I love your fanfictions. Like, I was 8 yrs old when I first read Darkstalker's story so I was super into their true love story and that sad ending made me actually cry. This is super sappy but your books kinda feel like closure for me <3


@abhyudayamatta2 oh my god this totally made my day! i'm so glad you like my stories. i've been working on timeline for about seven years now i think, and comments like this are a huge reason why i've stuck with it this long. i'm so happy you like it <3


new chapter is out!!! and it’s actually pretty happy for once which was so weird and fun to write!! i hope you guys like it :)


@Ravenclaw2013 aw this made me so happy, i'm so glad you care this much about my story :,)


@dragonwritesthings YAY!!! Thank you! I was soooo bored!


that feeling when you get sick on day 1 of the new semester and it takes 3 weeks to start feeling somewhat but not completely better and then as soon as you do you come down WITH A NEW COLD but you just have to keep working and going to school through it bc you don’t get paid sick days and you don’t want to fall behind 


@GundamKType lol it has not been my month. but the good news is, the next chapter is done! should be out like tomorrow, i just need to do one last check for typos :)


@dragonwritesthings Sorry to hear that. But I understand your polite. I hate the winter.


@Fluffy2023 one of the many reasons january is not my fav month lol 


merry christmas you guys!! if you celebrate, what have you been up to today? i just came off of six hours of making dinner with my mom…. was supposed to be a chill and lowkey dinner and somehow we ended up making an absolute feast lol


@dragonwritesthings yeah, the plane tickets are so expensive. I'd love to go to the US, but it's really expensive. But I'll definitely do it someday. I have a good friend in Chicago I would love to visit.
            Hope you and your dad get to take a family trip to Denmark someday. I bet that would be pretty amazing!


@Fluffy2023 haha i always got the marzipan pig as a kid too, even when i didn’t, because my family would always just give it to me no matter who won lol. my grandpa and my great aunt both left denmark in the 50s, when they were in their early twenties. their older sister stayed behind though, so there’s a whole branch of our family that’s still there who i’ve never even met. i’d love to visit someday, if only the flights weren’t so expensive! it’s one of my bucket list items, my dad went back a couple times as a kid and really wants to visit again at some point.


@dragonwritesthings Yes, we do the almond thing where you can win a marzipan pig. And it's really funny, because I usually never win anything, but almost every year I win the pig. A no, there's no cheating. And yes, I won it again this year.
            We don't eat glazed carrots, but sugar-glazed potatoes. I know it sounds strange, but it's actually really good.
            Sounds like your Christmas lunch/dinner is pretty traditional Danish "Christmas food".
            Nice that your grandparents still honour their Danish origin like that.




planning on getting lots of writing done so hopefully y’all will get a christmas present soon (a new chapter out before the 25th). i always like doing that, i don’t know why. no promises but fingers crossed ❤️


guys i'm aware this is a departure from my normal content however i NEED to tell you that i have a LAST MINUTE TICKET TO MY VERY FIRST CONCERT AND IT HAPPENS TOMORROW!! i'm very excited!!! that will be all :D everyone say thank you to my friend from school who had a last minute change of plans!!!


@Ravenclaw2013 it was SO much fun. the concert was incredible like it was everything i hoped it would be. only downside was that i shared a hotel with not one but TWO people who snore so i think i slept like two hours last night at best  i got up at like 6am (or gave up on sleeping at 6am is more accurate lol), got ready, and went out to go exploring in the rain with no particular end game in mind. it turned out to be a blast. travelling on your own is so underrated!! the whole experience was absolutely surreal, i kind of can’t believe it happened. i’m gonna crash SO hard tonight though lol


@dragonwritesthings  Awesome! You deserve to go have fun!


new master of none chapter is out!! sorry this one took so long, it was supposed to be done last night but last night i spent three hours tearing apart my home trying to find my car keys until 12am. (don't worry, i found them but oh my god that was the most stressful three hours of my life) anyway enjoy the chapter!


new master of nine chapter just dropped guys! i got like nothing done yesterday other than edit that thing so i hope you enjoy lol. ❤️


not me just realizing i misspelled the title of my own book  it’s NOT called master of nine it is master of NONE i think i was just tired when i made this post lol


@dragonwritesthings thats so cool how your still writing this fanfiction after so many years XD