
hi everyone! I am back from the dead… who is still active on here?


Hi everyone, sorry for being gone! I've just uploaded a phanfic, so if you're into that sort of thing, you should go check it out!! As for some wip fics, well, I'll get around to updating. I really, really will. Sorry again about the hiatus, and I hope you can forgive me. <3


Ummmmm hey. Sorry for the long, long hiatus but I just drifted away from the wattpad community for a while. I don't even have a great reason as to why, but I'm back for now at least. I'm going to upload a NineRose one shot in a few so you can check that out and hopefully work on my next chapter of Bubblegum Pink and Chocolate Tweed, which I haven't in literally centuries. Anyways, sorry again, hope you'll forgive me, and know I have an Instagram you can follow me on that I'm muchhhhh more active on (currently called @spookypositivity but normally @acciopositivity) 


Sup my lovely Alyssals? I will in fact be updating soon, likely this weekend. I apologize for the long hiatus (again) but with high school and a college course as I am doing dual enrollment, my free time has been eaten up. Also, I had to hand in my final portfolio of six essays so that put me off writing for a little bit. I have my final next week and then Im done with that class, so hopefully I'll be more regular with updating. Thanks for your patience! <3