
I just published the prologue of one of the books I've been working on. It's called 'Made-Up' and it's based on the story of Sleeping Beauty but after the 'Happily ever after' when everyone gets to be who they really are. It's a fun read. I hope you like it.


2020 is not doing a very good job to cheer us up. Don't ignore the problems because they make you uncomfortable.
          Sign this petition to get justice for George Floyd: http://chng.it/SSN2ySDq4H
          Even if the injustice didn't happen in your country, your state or even your neighborhood, make this your problem so we can all solve it together.
          Now, I know I can't do much to fight against this. I can't stand beside the people who are protesting for this issue but what I can do is upload stories to entertain you and not let 2020 get the best of us.
          If you were invested in the old stories, I'm sorry but now that I look at them, I see a bunch of crap. I have completed the outline of many new stories. I may start uploading one soon.
          Stay safe and do the right thing :)


MY EXAMS ARE DONE AND DEAD AND NOW I CAN UPLOAD CHAPTERS FASTER THAN BEFORE.  The new chapter of 'Outsider' has been uploaded and I'm sorry for not being faster at that. I read books myself that took months to be updated and it killed me. Quite literally. Now I've learned my lesson and I don't want to lose any more readers.  So, um continue reading the book, please, if you like it. I promise the book is well thought of I know what I'm doing. I think.  
          Thanks for reading and cooperating with me all this while. 
          :)))))))) My double chins are happy to be back.


My exams are going to start from day after tomorrow and will continue for about a month (due to the gap between exams of different subjects). So, naturally there will be no updates in my stories during this time.
          See you in OCTOBER (^^)


Hey. Hi. I hope I am not bothering you but can you please check out my works?


@pythagoraswasadouche  Thanks a lot for reading my poems. I really appreciate it. :)


@pythagoraswasadouche words of a wallflower is in my library. 


@pythagoraswasadouche  Thank you for checking out my profile. Have you read any of my books?