
Wow, it's been a LOOOONG time. Hello remaining followers. I just dug this account up after more than a year of silence. And I realized something: I need an outlet. Writing made me super happy and once I stopped, I feel like my life hasn't been as productive. So, I'm here to make a proposal, to all of you. I, dreamingComposer, will begin writing again. Since Thanksgiving Break is this upcoming week for me, I'll be "composing" new material to be released early December. After reading the comments from my old Homestuck fanfictions, and since those are my most popular, I will continue to write Homestuck fanfiction but at least this time, they will more constructed and far less cringy. Coffee Over Brimstone, however, will be heavily edited and put into a draft until I see it fit to be published again. If you have any suggestions for stories or if you have a request, email me @ dreaming0amethyst00@gmail.com. 
          	Thank you for following for so long and stay tuned!
          	With love,


Wow, it's been a LOOOONG time. Hello remaining followers. I just dug this account up after more than a year of silence. And I realized something: I need an outlet. Writing made me super happy and once I stopped, I feel like my life hasn't been as productive. So, I'm here to make a proposal, to all of you. I, dreamingComposer, will begin writing again. Since Thanksgiving Break is this upcoming week for me, I'll be "composing" new material to be released early December. After reading the comments from my old Homestuck fanfictions, and since those are my most popular, I will continue to write Homestuck fanfiction but at least this time, they will more constructed and far less cringy. Coffee Over Brimstone, however, will be heavily edited and put into a draft until I see it fit to be published again. If you have any suggestions for stories or if you have a request, email me @ dreaming0amethyst00@gmail.com. 
          Thank you for following for so long and stay tuned!
          With love,


Hello to those that actually still follow me. I'm contemplating moving my works to another platform...thus closing my account. I'm thinking about doing this around November/December? I'll let you all know where they'll be and when I'll be deactivating. That doesn't mean I won't stop writing though :). Hope everyone had a nice summer. 


Hello again lovelies! 
          After months of procrastination, I finally finished and published the first chapter of Coffee Over Brimstone. A weight has been lifted from my shoulders with 1,120 words. I felt so horrible for not completing it on time because I wanted to share it with you guys so very much. Thank you for sticking with my half decent limes & X readers. Do look forward to me being more active on Wattpad this summer. I will post an update schedule for Coffee Over Brimstone as well as other fanfictions I have in the works. All in all, enjoy! 
          Dearest love,
          The Dreaming Composer 


Hello lovelies! It's been a while, I know ;). Just wanted to let you know that I will be posting more content in the future. Including the part 3 to my Male!Kanaya X Reader, an Original Story by me, and more! Stay tuned my loves.
          The Dreaming Composer 


Hello Lovelies!
          So, I FINALLY published my new original story, Coffee Over Brimstone. I've postponed it's release because I couldn't think of a title but the other day I finally thought of one. It might change but as for now it will do. I also want to publicly thank Nathan for being an amazing friend + editor + resource while helping me write. He is a phenomenal writer and I just couldn't be happier to have him around. Also, I'd like to thank the tumblr user, haimee, for giving me the green light to write this new series based off of their prompt. All of their information is in the series description and the prompt is in the prologue which I just posted. Chapter One will be posted on Sunday, April 17th. As stated in the description, this series will be updated BI-MONTHLY unless other wise indicated by ME. And with that, I hope you enjoy my half decent writings.
          Thank you so much + Happy Reading!
          The Dreaming Composer 


//update: So obviously, I haven't posted chapter one yet BUT my last day of finals + school is tomorrow so next week should be an official release because I will be officially on summer break. So stay tuned 


this message may be offensive
Aha...look at all my buddies...getting boyfriends and girlfriends...ahaha...then look at me...a shit storm that is so emotionally wrecked that she can never have anyone...aha...mouth kept sealed shut when it's more like a loose envelope...the sticky side barely sticks :/ (eh poetic rants, I do it a lot) 


Hello lovelies! 
          I just wanted to thank every single one of you (whether you follow me or not) for all of the votes, comments, etc. I'm the kind of person that gets happy at little progressions in my writing and the response I get from others. Right now, I barely have 15 followers but I'm ecstatic. As of this publication, my Sollux X Reader and my Male!Kanaya X Reader are my most read. If you would like to request a character (Homestuck or not) please message me through my tumblr! I'm currently working on an original story as well. It's a collaboration with a good friend of mine and it is scheduled to be published early March or so. So, stay tuned for more details and thank you once again.
          The Dreaming Composer 


Hello lovelies! So, I decided to fill in the vacancy on my account when I'm not writing, and created a random little book with all my incomplete stories and dialogues I have written. It will fill up eventually because I write a lot of stuff that I don't post. If you like one of them (as the amount of stories grow) and would like me to continue it, please let me know! I'm interested in my followers' inputs and thoughts. 
          Thanks and Happy Reading!
          The Dreaming Composer