
Hello everybody, i wanted to notify you about a new book that im going to start writing. It will be called isolated, and will be based off the game Lifeline. I plan for it to be a three book series, even if they do not follow the same story. I will be using actual text excerpts from the game and add to it. The more views and faviorites i get the faster i will upload chapters and also the faster i will get the next game in line. I dont know when the first chapter will be uploaded, could be today, or friday, who knows? Just wanted to notify everyone. Stay frosty.


Hello everybody, i wanted to notify you about a new book that im going to start writing. It will be called isolated, and will be based off the game Lifeline. I plan for it to be a three book series, even if they do not follow the same story. I will be using actual text excerpts from the game and add to it. The more views and faviorites i get the faster i will upload chapters and also the faster i will get the next game in line. I dont know when the first chapter will be uploaded, could be today, or friday, who knows? Just wanted to notify everyone. Stay frosty.


Hey guys, just wanted to tell you that i will be doing a Q/A that is why im uploading a new book. But i am going to be doing a new book, the Q/A questions will be answered, and hoping to get all of them. But thats beside the point, i will be uploading a new book that no one has seen, on 12AM of January 1st, you can ask questions about that in the Q/A instructions for question will be in the "Book" so yeah, Stay frosty, See ya


Hey guys, I'm sorry I've been posting so slowly, and with such short chapters, but my chapters will start to be longer and quicker, I was overwhelmed with school. And had to give up writing for a short time but I'm back! Yay. Thank you for the support, y'all guys are the best!