A year huh... its been over a year. Im extremely sorry for being so inactive, don’t really wanna make excuses either. 2020 was not the year for anybody i dont think and 2021 isnt going much better. Im really struggling with my mental health and its been only getting worse as time goes on.
I’ve been meaning to edit “Days Gone By” because i feel like its highly rushed and its been almost 2 years since i wrote it. I really wanna slow it down and make it more emotional. I honestly feel as tho most of the characters act like they dont care lol.
Anyways thats not all either, im planning on writing other stories as well, and i really want to get some of then out to see how y’all like them. I have a few ideas (some original, some Fanfiction) that I’ve been excited to try so I’m going to try my best to start getting back into writing. I got a job jn March of 2020 and ever since then it seems like all i do is work, but i will definitely try my best to make time for some writing as well.
Just remember, i love all of you and if you still continue to support me even after all this time, I’ll appreciate it even tho i dont feel like i would deserve it. Thats all i had to say and I hope you all have a wonderful day :)