right, so i’m aware that some people don’t know what some of my pronouns and sexualities are so i’m here to clear it all up.
xe —> pronounced ze, rhymes with she, alternative for she/he/they
xem —> pronounced zem, rhymes with them, alternative for her/him/them
xyr —> pronounced zer, rhymes with her, alternative for her/his/their
pansexual —> i have no preference when it comes to gender and feel the same attraction to every gender equally. it essentially doesn’t matter to me and i care more about other components of a person — like personality!
demisexual —> this is halfway between being sexual and being asexual, essentially, i need to have a strong connection with someone to take part in any sexual acts with them (unless i’m very very drunk ;) )
ambiamorous —> i am a person who likes both monogamous (two people in a relationship) and polyamorous (more than two people in a relationship) relationships and i will flourish and grow!
i am no binary for now and if that changes i will inform you all!
lots of love,