
That description is deep. perhaps too deep. Not unlike a chasm of flabbergasting and unknowable depths like the endlessly odd ocean, or simply a pond of unknown depths your first step takes you farther than you would have imagined or perceived and then drop off and you find yourself two steps in and gasping for air, but why stop there when there is so much more to explore. said simply by a the Tick: "I am the wild blue yonder..." Misseskimo I don't know who you are but organs don't often make music and I'm not sure what is happening there, but when I find out I'll be sure to write an equally interesting yet scintillating description describing a fascination with organic functions. As the Tick said: "It's a long road to hoe, but he's just the joe to hoe it." maybe too long I look forward to an entire library springing from your embellishing mind and humble vocabulary.


Organs, like my heart, beat to a different drum. Organs, such as my brain, compose entire worlds on the strings of dendrites. Organs, my friend, are the instruments of the imagination. Their spittle-- my words. Mere attempts to encompass the immensity of intensity of the mass of knowledge crammed into a mere three pounds of squishy, electrically charged storms of thought, with limits ways to express, none of which do it adequate justice.
            An organ, is an organ, is an organ, is an organ-ism. Welcome to mine.


are you joking? i feel really stupid if ur joking, but an organ is a musical instrument