
So, hey there! I'm so hyped that Emblems is up! If you don't already know, it's the rewrite of Phoenix/Lion Heart and was my 2014 Nanowrimo project. I'm done and as I edit I'll be posting chapters up, so go check it out if you're interested! :D


So, hey there! I'm so hyped that Emblems is up! If you don't already know, it's the rewrite of Phoenix/Lion Heart and was my 2014 Nanowrimo project. I'm done and as I edit I'll be posting chapters up, so go check it out if you're interested! :D


I loved your book Lion Heart, are you going to write a sequel?


Yes, I am, but in the very very very distant future. I'm actually in the process of re-writing Lion Heart, switching up plot lines and characters. Once my exams are over I'll really try and get to it, and then I'll write a sequel. Sorry to keep you waiting though.... \('~' )/


oh my gosh i check your profile again for the first time in forever and suddenly you have a fab wallpaper and are writing fanfiction for kuroko no basuke and i'm dying


But isn't my new background cooler?


i didn't even know you watched/read that
            im on manga 253 and i really have to go back and read whatever else is there...
            Sorry for my english dying on you though.