
Did I ever mention Ebi's age in TIBQ and If I did, how old is she? 


Saying anything here about the #ENDSars protest completely skipped my mind. These people have been killing and harassing the young people of this nation for far too long. In my city (PH - Port Harcourt) you barely see teenag boys and young guys on the streets, only the elderly ones mothers and fathers and their little kids that you see and even then they aren't free  and it's all because of these SARS men and police officers. The insecurity in this nation has become unbearable. SARS or SWAT (as they have renamed them) must end. Enough is enough, the killing is enough, we are not rats for crying out loud!, why do they hate the youths so much? stop killing us!, stop harrasing us and just end it all! EndSARS/SWAT. 


this message may be offensive
For things like this I never find the words to express myself but I've managed to squeeze this. All that matters is the message in here not how weak my words sound.
          So much evil going on in this world,so many innocent souls have been lost. Uwa a 22 year old first year uni student was raped and assaulted with a fire extinguisher inside a FUCKING CHURCH, she died last Saturday. The police that are meant to protect us are killing us instead. I want those men caught and I want them to be hung by their manhood's then sentenced to death. (Cruel but there's no mercy for a rapist)
          Justice for Mr.Floyd, JusticeForUwa, JusticeForTina and Justice for anyone who has died in any of these sad ways weather in the hands of police, rapist, cultists etc. 
          Black lives matter.


@e4ella there is a lot of justice needed o


@e4ella I don't even understand, This 'perfect year' is so far a huge pile of rotten garbage, just ruined everyone's plans. 