
this message may be offensive
dear skittle penguin, 
          you always change your name and it confuses the shit out of me. (wow, nice intro rodger.) I don't usually write cheesy paragraphs so don't expect it to be the best but I swear, I'm really trying here. 
          my point is, brøther, you're the lämp to my möth. you light up my days and I love having someone to rant to about my hibernating boyfriend, or about our favourite asshole that left when we expected him the less. but I promise you he won't get away with this easily. anyway, I want you to know I'll always be here for you through thick and thin and you should never hesitate to message me when you need some help. I love you. 
          your lame but sexy friend, rodgi ~


dear diego ( even though you're most probably offline right now ) ,
          first of all.
          " how to relationship 101 " is a book i desperately need. so please to whoever is reading this kindly give me the goddamn cash to buy it because oh god i miss you whenever i'm offline but then it feels like i'm always offline and i really feel sad about it but like i'm always being watched by my stupid parents and i jUsT fEeL liKe cOmbUstInG sOmEtiMeS and i probably will because of stress and all.
          but the thing is, whenever you cross my mind, a warm smile spreads across my face and i'm all happy and mushy till the next obstacle arises. you're my home, you're the reason behind my cringe smile and pathetic daydreaming, you're the only one on my mind 24x7 and the only person that makes me go batshit crazy over every conversation we have. i just wish i could like hug you close to me and never let go. i wish we could have a perfect life and a perfect relationship. i wish for so many damn things and i wish they would come true. and i certainly wish for your happiness above all. because even when you drive me crazy, you're the only person i care so freaking much about like hell it's not even funny. so i hope, desperately, that you're sleeping well aand taking care of yourself, and i hope you're not stressing yourself out. i hope these dumb fuckers on here aren't ruining your mood because i'm ready to fight. and i really feel sorry about the puppy thing, because even though she's naughty, she's a cutie, or so it seems. and like dpn't let that make you sad, okay? or like, for that matter, don't let anything make you sad because you need to smile all the damn time.