
Hey, thanks all for getting The World on Fire up to 13k reads! I promise I haven't forgotten you. Just dealing with illness, doctors' appointments, and other distractions.


@elareth - I was hoping you would be feeling much better by now.  I certainly understand how medical issues zap the crap out of a person.  You don’t have Nethor poisoning do you?  Haha. Sorry, it just kinda slipped out when I wasn’t looking.   I was just checking in with you to make sure you’re still among the land of the living (?)  whether it be Home Free Town, Oz or somewhere else. Take care! I miss your writing.


@Avamlover Thanks! Yeah, I've been dealing with a lot of mysterious medical issues, pain, and sleep deprivation, and it's sapped a lot of my energy and creativity. So sorry! But glad for the encouragement.


@elareth feel better soon!!  Your fans are wondering when the Foust/Rupp wedding will be, in addition to all the various problems plaging the town.


Hey, thanks all for getting The World on Fire up to 13k reads! I promise I haven't forgotten you. Just dealing with illness, doctors' appointments, and other distractions.


@elareth - I was hoping you would be feeling much better by now.  I certainly understand how medical issues zap the crap out of a person.  You don’t have Nethor poisoning do you?  Haha. Sorry, it just kinda slipped out when I wasn’t looking.   I was just checking in with you to make sure you’re still among the land of the living (?)  whether it be Home Free Town, Oz or somewhere else. Take care! I miss your writing.


@Avamlover Thanks! Yeah, I've been dealing with a lot of mysterious medical issues, pain, and sleep deprivation, and it's sapped a lot of my energy and creativity. So sorry! But glad for the encouragement.


@elareth feel better soon!!  Your fans are wondering when the Foust/Rupp wedding will be, in addition to all the various problems plaging the town.


Thanks to everyone who read, liked, commented, and shared, World on Fire is up to 12k reads! I'm grateful for you all.


@DawnHF57 Hey, I like comments! Tells me people are paying attention


@elareth Thank You for writing so well and putting up with me. *wink


So, I finally got far enough ahead that I felt like I could post a new chapter of World in Flower. I've still got medical stuff going on, so I won't guarantee a once- or twice-a-week schedule, but I'll try to get chapters out on a more regular basis if I can.
          Thank you all for your patience!
          -- El


I’m sorry to hear your recovery has been so difficult. Although everyone is waiting for more of the story (including me, what can I say?) everyone wants you to be well. Take the time you need to get yourself healthy, then write like the dickens to get us caught up! 


@Avamlover Thanks! I've got a few chapters under my belt, but I want a few more before I stage a comeback, because writing has been pretty slow. I'm undergoing some treatments soon that I hope will help my focus and recall, and get me back to my feet a bit more. It's all been quite frustrating!