
|  |  kkay, so this is getting out of hand. 
          	i know i said i'd be away for only a while
          	 but things are starting to complicate 
          	more && nothing seems to be going 
          	my way, so i have no idea when i will 
          	be back. i will still check up on people
          	 from time to time, and please 
          	make sure to take care
          	 of yoursleves. xx.


|  |  kkay, so this is getting out of hand. 
          i know i said i'd be away for only a while
           but things are starting to complicate 
          more && nothing seems to be going 
          my way, so i have no idea when i will 
          be back. i will still check up on people
           from time to time, and please 
          make sure to take care
           of yoursleves. xx.