I read fantasy like I eat bread and cheese, it's my stable comfort food, and I devour smut like I would chocolate.

Mafia romance has taken over my life and I had to put aside the fantasy trilogy I'm writing, to get this story down on paper and share it here. It was bleeding out of me and consuming my mind.

I hope you enjoy it! I update on Thursdays.
  • Barcelona
  • انضمFebruary 10, 2022

الرسالة الأخيرة
emilia_foxley emilia_foxley Apr 17, 2022 07:35PM
Chapter 12 is posted! It's been hard to keep a regular schedule recently but weekend updates seem to be the easiest for now.Thanks for reading and your support! :)
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم emilia_foxley
Dirty Secrets بقلم emilia_foxley
Dirty Secrets
MAFIA ROMANCE! When Katia is kidnapped by men in dark suits, put on a private jet, and brought to the US, she...
+14 أكثر
1 قائمة قراءة