
cb and opt spec 


@emotionlesscreams // on genesis rn please


“Look I didn’t deliberately decide to forget you there okay? Work came up and with my sister being I’ll I just forget to ask Billy or your brother okay? I’m really really sorry it happened but I promise it won’t ever happen again”  Steve apologised


“I’m not I promise and it’s a complicated story but I’m fine now. Probably but it’s done now, just keep it in mind for next time, yeah kid? I’m here if you want to talk about it, your brother is too”


" soo . .  your not too mad at me right?  are you sure?  you looked pretty hurt . .  yeah,  yeah.  i should have specified and told you i was joking but i failed to do that " he looked down with a sigh, closing his eyes and letting a hum escape " im not that mad at you - its just other things " 


“I mean yeah for him it’s fine because he knows you’re joking but unless the person knows it’s a joke, it’s not exactly nice to hear you know. And it’s understandable given your frustration because you were caught in the rain because of me so it was fair”