Hi everyone! Some kind of exciting news, but also kind of not haha. I was recently invited to the Creators programme but think I will decline for now. A couple of years ago, I would have been so excited to join (and actively tried to do so) but now, it's not really a priority or goal. There are a couple of reasons for this - but I'm open to any more advice from Creators here! I really don't like some of the stuff Wattpad promotes and the way writers have to put themselves in boxes to succeed or get on the front page. A benefit of Creators is getting priority with pitching but I don't really have any interest in working with Wattpad and let's be honest, none of my writing would ever fit the criteria XD Without tooting my own horn, I don't feel I want or need Wattpad's advice and guidance as I'm not a huge fan of their style and Verticals. All in all, I don't see any way the programme would change my experience on Wattpad. I love working with editors and publishers off the platform but I can't see myself having that same level of trust with Wattpad (not that it would ever come to that - but that's about the only benefit I see in the list of the programme's 'benefits' now). I think I will stick to the community side of Wattpad which has always been the best thing about it. It's a shame because I tried to get seen by Wattpad for years and years and the time I do, all of those exciting programmes have declined in their benefits, and I don't really have that priority anymore.
@lyttlejoe I've been on Wattpad for about seven or eight years now and I think it has definitely changed! My stories don't really align with what they want *officially* for their Verticals and front page so I'm not sure there is much benefit for me :)
@KC_Han_writes yeah my Wattpad stories are pretty much the things I have no intention to publish properly haha, so I think I'll stick with the community side of things :)
@SilviaKrpatova yeah I can't see my stories aligning with what they want so I don't see much benefit unfortunately :(