
@palominolane Cool. I like shockers. And what a coincidence! I was just about to start the first Talon. :3


@palominolane No problem! The genres you've been writing really interest me, and I can't wait to get started! :) You'll be hearing more from me lol.


YAY...I hope so ( I'll probably get hurry up and get them together lol - of you read the 1st Talon)..I had a bit of a shocker with that lol


HI there EMP ;D...just wanted to say thank you for following me. I have only started experimenting with writing since I've been on here...theres so much to learn but writing allot had definitely helped me improve (well I think I have lol)...let me know what you think if you read any of my stories I'd love to hear from you