
i just realised i've got over a thousand comments on tio which is woah




@emptae_inside oH whew honestly im so glad to hear that lol, i was like losing it because i love your writing (and yes the post was about you xD)---i think i've reread Call Me Maybe and Carving Our Names In Hearts like 6 times atp hhshdjdkskks it's so hard to find good Sookai fanfiction here so i was heartbroken when i thought your books disappeared lol. will check out your ao3 asap :DDD
            aww thank you for writing them! if you ever put them back on wattpad i will def be less of a silent reader lmaooo


@Nicoismysenpai hi, i'm moving accounts- my new one is the only one i'm following. i haven't posted the stories yet on wattpad but there's a link on my new profile to be able to read *most* of them on ao3. sorry if i worried you (i'm guessing ur post on ur profile was about me- if it wasn't i'm going to die of embarrassment lmao)- i definitely understand the fear of stories you like disappearing so i'm sorry to have scared you ;-; 
            also thank you for caring about my stories. it's super sweet of you whether you're a silent reader or not- so yeah, thank you :) <3


like the Sookai ones jshdkdkks


Feeling like i'm on top of the world having you in my life


Only if it’s under the sky of 5:53 <3


@emptae_inside Will you marry me?


Hello !
          I know it's been a long time and I'm glad I came back on wattpad to see you are still here writing beautiful stories. I left not so long after my last comment on one of your chapters for 'Slow Burn', I had a hard time and kinda stop going on social media and stuff for a while (after that I also forgot most of my passwords and had to work lol) but lately, I was thinking a lot about your fictions and all the things it made me feel, it was really good, moving and well-written, all those details in each of your lines made me emotional a lot of times. Your work is great (from what I remember) and I came back to continue my reading, unfortunately I figured out you deleted the story of 'Slow Burn', I heard you wanted to work on it later because you weren't that satisfied with how it was going and I completely understand ! I'm also here because I hope you're okay and you're living a good life, that everything's all right and I'm sending you some good vibes through my pc screen ahah ! 
          I missed seeing your work and I was happily surprised to discover the story you're writing recently, 'Think It Over'. I didn't expect you to keep that little idea I gave you in a random comment ahah! Can't wait to start reading this one now that I have some free time (and leave a comment at each chapter like I used to).
          I thank you for your amazing work, it brings back so many memories, I read 'Slow Burn' during a very particular moment of my life, so seeing your account is still active after all this time is really refreshing to me. 
          Take care ♡
           (also, sorry if I made some mistakes)


@henshitizen you've literally just made my day- my week even ;-; 
            I can't express the pure joy, you writing this gave me. Thank you, thank you, thank you- this means so so much to me (legit teared up a bit but let's pretend I didn't jsjsjs) 
            Hardcore, I remember you and did wonder where you went- so many ppl have left wattpad and god, it's just nice to know someone who has come back (for whatever reason). I actually left wattpad sometime during think it over, for a similar reason- going through a hard time. I'm so glad you've gotten through that (you have, right?), I rly rly hope life has treated you well these past couple yrs <33 you're good vibes have rly come through- i rly rly rly don't think I'll get over how happy this has made me.
            I hope whenever you're ready to read think it over, you enjoy! (tbh that needs major editing but I'll push it from my mind jsjsjssj). If you ever want to read slow burn for the nostalgia, just message me whenever and i'll email you the chapters <3 once again, thank you so so much for this message, I'm so unbelievably happy ahhhhh <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333 (lots of hearts bc why not ^^)


this message may be offensive
I just read a couple chapters back from Slow Burn (the ones I recall genuinely feeling good writing) and I'm close to crying. Some of what I wrote was actually good. Not all of it but snippets- to the point where when I was rereading I was like 'woah I wrote this? this is kind of good'. It's hard though, because now I feel like I can't write like that anymore and I'm writing stories now, trying so hard, but I hate it so much. I think I became too obsessional when I used to write, fixated on what I was doing wrong that now it's escalated to the point where it's just so difficult. Watching people on youtube give tips on writing used to make me feel like shit and I'm just looking back, wondering why I followed their advice- anything I type now is so fucking boring, created from their words. The way I structure sentences is all the same. Writing dialogue, I feel like I can barely remember how a real conversation goes because while an author on youtube told me nobody notices little movements in facial expressions or fixates on changes in tone, I'm just now wanting to scream because I do. I know how people look when they're excited and I watch when their face looks different, if they're more animated in a particular moment, devoid in the next. And I notice (and a lot of other people do) when something looks different, if an item is new or the colour of someone's eyes. Jesus, I'm so irritated at myself, why did I have to dwell on everything?


@Markisasoftie it's so hard, right? It's like constantly trying to get this balance of having the perfect length story bc if it's too short it won't mean as much or if it's too long then nobody will even read it. Honestly, I'm kinda on a path of just post pretty much everything I had (previously posted & also drafts), it doesn't matter to others the way it matters to us- it's okay if the story isn't perfect. ALSO THE MAKING SENSE PART omg I used to have so many ppl tell me they had no idea what they were reading or that the wording was weird but then u just have to remember that someone will understand and I'm looking back on ppl who liked my story or gave me feedback and once it's gone I've realised how much it meant to me, that it was enough just having one person liking what I wrote. Continue it if it's something that matters to you, try not to worry what others think (take as long as this needs), write for yourself and try to remind yourself that it's okay if things aren't perfect now because we are always improving upon ourselves :) 


Honestly you’re not alone with that. I think that’s why I stopped updating my book. I started off with a drive then everytime I made a chapter I was asking myself was it too short or too long. Is this book even making sense. Will I be able to achieve all the plans I had with the main couple and side couples. I was too in my own head that I just pushed it away. Even today I’m always thinking should I continue it or not, but I always find myself saying another time. Due to me thinking it won’t be good enough.


I just finished watching all the clips I could find from bangbangcon and I'm devastated (trying not to cry but shhhh it's fine). I don't think they could have done anything more perfect today in the settings that we are in currently. I feel really proud to be an army ;-;