Human. Dreamer. Gamer.

Ongoing updates: 🖊📝🖋
A Wallflower's Concession

On hiatus: 🔏📝🔏
A Wallflower's Efflorescence
The one that got away
The beginning of an End
Target Lock: Bullseye

Revising before upload: 🖊📝🔏

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IG: @enaganda
  • InscritApril 17, 2013

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enaganda enaganda Mar 03, 2024 12:19PM
Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing well. It has been a while since I last wrote anything, nor updated any of the works I've posted. And with that, I sincerely apologize. There has been so much goi...
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Histoires par Enaganda
A Wallflower's Concession par enaganda
A Wallflower's Concession
Both Anthony Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington found themselves in an unexpected predicament. Having live...
ranking #10 dans la catégorie anthonybridgerton Voir tous les classements
A Wallflower's Discoveren par enaganda
A Wallflower's Discoveren
At the start of the 1814 season, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton had decided that he'll finally look for and take...
ranking #28 dans la catégorie alternateuniverse Voir tous les classements
Remembrance par enaganda
After the unfortunate events at her mama's ball, Penelope had decided it was time for her to leave London. ...
ranking #10 dans la catégorie alternateuniverse Voir tous les classements
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