
Hey guys. I haven't really been on here all that much lately. I took a bit of a break from writing to help get my head straightened out and focus on work. But, I'm back now (at least as much as I can be). And I'm thinking of compiling some slam poetry I've been doing lately into a collection on here. If any of you think that sounds like a good idea, let me know


Hey guys. I haven't really been on here all that much lately. I took a bit of a break from writing to help get my head straightened out and focus on work. But, I'm back now (at least as much as I can be). And I'm thinking of compiling some slam poetry I've been doing lately into a collection on here. If any of you think that sounds like a good idea, let me know


Hey guys. I know it's been way too long since I updated anything. I've just kind of been in a rut. Between personal issues, work, and lack of inspiration or motivation, it's been kind of hard to write. But, I'm going to try to get back into the groove of things. Maybe my two week vacation to Italy will help. Now, time for some interesting news. In addition to 13 Weeks and Return of a Hero, I've begun a new story called Fontana. This one hits kind of close to home as it's more or less based on first hand experience, but hopefully it's good. Please keep reading if you like the stories and please share with your friends. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you. -E


Hey guys. I feel like writing another story alongside Return of a Hero and another story that has yet to be named. So, tell me which of these you'd like to see:
          •Prequel (already kind of working on one for a class but this prequel would be longer and more in depth)
          •Prequel from Summer's perspective
          •Prequel from another character's perspective
          •Something completely separate from RoH (leave your suggestion)
          •My long running secret project
          •All of the above
          Please reply to this with what you'd like to see (PLEASE KEEP ME WRITING). This "poll" will be determined by popular vote. Thank you. -E


Hey guys. I feel like writing another story (alongside Return of a Hero and another one that's yet to be named). So tell me which of these sounds best. 
          • Prequel (technically writing for a class already but not fully)
          •Prequel from Summer's perspective
          •Something entirely separate from RoH
          •My secret long running project
          •All of the above
          Please tell me what you would like to see (PLEASE KEEP ME WRITING) in a comment in the story. Thank you -E


Hey everyone. Chapter 6 of "Return of a Hero" has finally been written. (Woo) Unfortunately I can't publish it right away because the wattpad staff is working on fixing an issue with the writing (or rather copy/paste) feature at the moment, but as soon as they fix the issue I'll publish chapter 6. I've also "started" (come up with the characters and setting) another story. All I need is a title. The story is about a teenage girl that gets transferred to a private school in Portland Oregon and starts coming out of her shell and discovering more about herself. The main two character bios are below. 
          Age: 17
          Height: 5'5"
          Weight: 125 lbs
          Bio: Elise recently transferred to Portland Waldorf School, a boarding school in Portland Oregon. The shy teen had to leave her friends at her old school behind and now feels alienated for not knowing anyone.
          Defining characteristics: Elise has a half sleeve tattoo on her right arm as well as a line of text on her collarbone and left side. She also has her ears stretched to 7/16" as well as her right rook, left outer conch, and right nostril pierced.
          Interests: music (plays piano and sings), photography, creative writing, nature
          Age: 18
          Height: 5'9-1/2"
          Weight: 160 lbs
          Bio: Nick is a boy with a kind heart. This quality, and the fact that he's the captain of the soccer team are what led him to his popularity. However, being the captain of the soccer team also comes with its downfalls. Nick is under constant scrutiny and has therefore developed a mild case of bipolar disorder. He takes an interest in Elise from the first day he meets her.
          Defining characteristics: Nick has Heterochromia (left eye green, right eye blue). His ears are stretched to a 0g (8mm) and he has a full sleeve on his right arm as well as "PEACE IS A LIE, THERE IS ONLY PASSION" tattooed across his chest.
          Interests: soccer, photography, Elise


Hey guys. Unfortunately I can't update the story because something is wrong with wattpad. I type everything out in Google docs, therefore I have to copy and paste. Wattpad however thinks that that also means copy and paste all the information about how it was typed. I'm going to try one more time to see if it works. If it doesn't then I may have to cancel the story. I'm sorry but this is pissing me off.