
@gatorbayt I cant right now but when I have a chance i will


Hey Shorty, I hear from my inside sources at NGHS that you have been "reading".  I'm pretty certain that you don't even know the meaning of the word "reading", and are just faking folks out to make it seem that way.  Am I correct, or am I correct, hmm?


Pardon me, Morgan, but I have teased Shorty about her lack of reading for a long while, after working with her in a LIBRARY!!!!!  I was just teasing, and it doesnt matter, but I am trying to get a bit of a social life.  Haven't you been telling me I need one? So I was trying to communicate, alright?  I am sorry if anything I said was offensive.  As far as my inside source goes, I don't even know if you know him.  I go to church with him, and was asking if he knew any of you.  Again, I meant no offense, and I hope none was taken.