
hi guys! ive been working on a book for the past few months. should be out by the end of june or early july!


@DominicHawkins7 the new book will also have longer chapters, and more chapters.


unfortunately, no. I lost inspiration to continue the series. but I promise the book that comes out soon is 10x better!


@erikasfinesse is there going to be a sequel to the bad guy


hi guys! ive been working on a book for the past few months. should be out by the end of june or early july!


@DominicHawkins7 the new book will also have longer chapters, and more chapters.


unfortunately, no. I lost inspiration to continue the series. but I promise the book that comes out soon is 10x better!


@erikasfinesse is there going to be a sequel to the bad guy


hey guys! as you’ve noticed I’ve yet to post the sequel. I’ve decided- to push the sequel back. I’m currently working on another book. My birthday is next Tuesday, and I’ve been so busy with softball. I’m hoping this new book comes out at the end of March. You’ll love it ❤️


hey guys, I’ve decided to stop writing bad guy. BUT I PROMISE I HAVE A GOOD REASON. I have big plans for the sequel! And rn its kinda of dry, so imma finish it out till chapter 27 then on Saturday I’ll publish the sequel! I didn’t wanna bore u guys, and I ran out of ideas for the book. last chapter will be out on Thursday or Friday! 


wow... Bad guy made it to #6 on #jerika. I’m speechless. Thank you all for reading, I’m currently spending almost 2 hours just on one chapter. I didn’t expect my first book on wattpad to do so well, honestly. thank you all so much! Make sure to follow me to get notifications when the new chapters come out! Typically around 4pm on weekdays, and 12pm on weekends! I’ll be on winter break soon, so I’ll probably finish the book around that time and I’ll post 2 chapters a day once it’s finished. I honestly can’t thank you all enough <3