
Hello everyone, I want to thank everyone whose been reading my books and enjoyed them, it’s been years since I’ve really been able to write anything, I can make all the excuses In the world for why I stopped
          	I came back not to long ago saying I would start to update again, I started writing but just never finished a chapter. For a long time I was working through a trauma from sa, so I couldn’t bring myself to write, and then when I finally worked through that I fell in love and got pregnant but ended up losing the baby which I wrote in a note in one of my books
          	It was hard to deal with, but something I didn’t say was that I was pregnant again, I planned on writing again throughout my pregnancy, but I had the baby early, and the baby has been in the hospital for a week now, so I can’t even think about writing rn, and once he comes home I need to focus on him
          	So I can’t see myself writing anytime soon, if I find the time and find myself wanting to write again I will, but honestly it could be a long time until then, my baby boy is only 6 days old and I want to do everything right for him 
          	I thought y’all at least deserved a explanation, thank you all for your support and understanding 


@everlypark take your time and I hope you come out the other side great. We will be here


Hello everyone, I want to thank everyone whose been reading my books and enjoyed them, it’s been years since I’ve really been able to write anything, I can make all the excuses In the world for why I stopped
          I came back not to long ago saying I would start to update again, I started writing but just never finished a chapter. For a long time I was working through a trauma from sa, so I couldn’t bring myself to write, and then when I finally worked through that I fell in love and got pregnant but ended up losing the baby which I wrote in a note in one of my books
          It was hard to deal with, but something I didn’t say was that I was pregnant again, I planned on writing again throughout my pregnancy, but I had the baby early, and the baby has been in the hospital for a week now, so I can’t even think about writing rn, and once he comes home I need to focus on him
          So I can’t see myself writing anytime soon, if I find the time and find myself wanting to write again I will, but honestly it could be a long time until then, my baby boy is only 6 days old and I want to do everything right for him 
          I thought y’all at least deserved a explanation, thank you all for your support and understanding 


@everlypark take your time and I hope you come out the other side great. We will be here


Hi bffs, I’ve been completely M.I.A lately, I lost motivation for writing for so long and went through so pretty big changes, some things I’m still dealing with right now but lately I have had inspo to write again so I’m back, not full time or anything but at least part time 


hiya, i’m back from the dead (jokes) im having some problems getting back into writing, so i’m gonna focus on writing one thing at a time at least for a while so what do y’all most want to see updated?


@everlypark Comatose. I just started it and I am so glad I found it. 