If you guys could take a few seconds out of your day to sign this petition it would be great. As a Singaporean, i would not know as much as the average American on the police brutality situation in the US, but it's important to acknowledge that black people are systematically being profiled and abused even to the extent of murder by the authorities.
Black culture has heavily influenced every part of this world and has given us our modern culture, music, trends and even vernacular. And yet, black people are also discriminated everywhere they go. The least we can do as humans is to stand with them, not only when a devastating act of violence occurs, but in our everyday lives as well. Don't use racial slurs that target black people, don't talk over the feelings of black people regarding this issue, especially seeing comments like #alllivesmatter takes away the true focus from this conversation.
Be aware of what's happening because that is so important, ignorance is never bliss. Don't think it doesn't matter just cause it isn't someone you know, or a race you share. Imagine having to fear for your life every time a cop interacts with you or even just taking a leisurely jog around your neighbourhood. No one deserves that, and being part of this conversation helps create a better society for black people to live in. Thank you for reading this far if you have, and stay safe