
will be making a new Wattpad account because f*cking anxiety. notify me if you wish to have my new one


will be making a new Wattpad account because f*cking anxiety. notify me if you wish to have my new one


lmao whoops I didn’t 


reply in 24 hours, will take down this one at 1:00 pm Mountain Daylight time tomorrow (12:00 Pacific, 2:00 central and 3:00 eastern)


Wattpad: *notifies me twenty seven times a day when someone updates a story that I don't really care about but am too lazy to take out of my library*
          Wattpad: *sits silently by the window while my best friend uploads a heartbreaking tear-jerking story*


When your parents think there's something romantic between you and your guy swimming friend
          That's cute mom
          That's real cute
          *whisper* but you're wrong 


*sniff sniff* I still haven't gotten over him


@xFadingDreamsx lol I know who u and ur swimming friend r lol 


So apparently if I'm trying to look girlish and I have to wear nice clothes instead of my usual jeans or leggings and a ratty sweatshirt
          I can't wear tank tops or anything that doesn't cover my shoulder (tAnK tOp DrEsS) because
          My shoulders are wide anyways because of genetics but swimming has made my deltoid pop out really big
          So I look like some freakish bodybuilder lady who got forced into a "tank top dress" by another freakish bodybuilder lady
          Which sucks because I really liked that one dress
          F*ck you swimming 
          (But I still love you anyways)


So uh
          I have a funny story 
          Once upon a time
          There was a girl named Fade
          And one day her gym teacher decided 
          "Hey, let's make everyone run the mile"
          And then her swim coach overheard him 
          And said
          "Great plan
          I think I'll make them do a super hard practice too
          On the same day as the mile"
          After she died running the mile
          She was reincarnated in five minutes 
          And died in swimming
          The end