
Long time since I've updated this little account, heh. But this is not a notification to show that I will continue updating these stories... I have finished my work upon here, and will only use this website to read on occasion. I am very sorry, and I bid my fans farewell, and only hope you can forgive me for never finishing my stories... Farewell, my little misfits!


Long time since I've updated this little account, heh. But this is not a notification to show that I will continue updating these stories... I have finished my work upon here, and will only use this website to read on occasion. I am very sorry, and I bid my fans farewell, and only hope you can forgive me for never finishing my stories... Farewell, my little misfits!


Good news to all of my followers - especially the ones interested in further reading "Go Find The Princess", "You're My Loser", and other fanfictions which are in the process of being made - is that I shall be receiving my school laptop tomorrow (Friday, September 4th, 2015) and a three day weekend follows. This means I will finally get to work productively on my books and publish them for you! You're welcome.


@TheFallenMisfit That is SOOOOO AWESOME!!!! I Love your book "Go Find The Princess, Gamer Boy" it was amazing!!!! I'm looking forward to more updates. By the way I'm Nicole and Bye!!! :-P


To all of those who read "Go Find The Princess, Gamer Boy," I suggest you go back and read it through once more. I have changed a lot about the story, and with three more chapters to edit, more is sure to change. Please be patient, and by the time school rolls around, I should have a new chapter of that story and "You're My Loser" published. Thank you! (By the way, if any of you have suggestions for how Russ and Red will break up, feel free to message me!)


Your an Amazing Writer!!! I love you books, especially, "Go find the Princess Gameboy" it was my favorite. My name is Electra (My fake name I use) and I love video games!!!! I just wanted to say that and maybe if you wanted to, you could msg me some time. 


Do not fret, "Go Find The Princess, Gamer Boy" is far from over! I believe it has deserved more chapters, and I shall continue it to develop a more detailed relationship with you and dear Cryaotic. Thank you guys for helping my beloved story reach nearly 70K reads!