Does anyone have tips on how to make new friends? My old ones are bothering me a lot and only care about each other, I'd really like to talk to someone new
Does anyone have tips on how to make new friends? My old ones are bothering me a lot and only care about each other, I'd really like to talk to someone new
HI THERE! So I put this in an a/n on 180 Letters to No One, but I will probably be abandoning this account. My writing is tbh, really bad, and I think a new account and a fresh start will really help me. I'm willing to post my new username here, if anyone wants me to, but otherwise... bye! I will be back and will refollow : ) keep writing!
Hey there! Not sure if you guys saw, but I updated 180 Letters to No One... 3 days in a row!! Hope everyone's still reading voting commenting sharing enjoying etc ;)