
Basically revamped everything today! whoopeeee! :)
          	- Ellie


          I've decided, that now we are the bestest of friends. you guys are patient, supporting, loving, caring, and understanding, all the qualities of best friends. so hello best friends! 
          now, that we're best friends, lets take a step to know each other more. so, instead of using my usual author sign off (Domo Horan) I will be using one of my nicknames given to me by my friend; and that is the name Ellie.
          when my friend first called me that, I instantly loved the name, so since we're best friends, don't hesitate to call me one of my nicknames which is, Ellie. I mean calling me Domo Horan is fine (or any other author nickname your clever brains have thought of). 
          ily all!
          - Ellie xx


this message may be offensive
Note -
          hello, you lot!
          I've missed you guys loads and I'm terribly sorry for the lONG FREAKING WAIT OH MY. but, worry not, my hiatus is almost over... I hope it is. I've still got some writers block hanging around. 
          Well, I'd just like to tell you that the hiatus is paying off, I'm getting amazing grades.
          I don't know when I'll resume RMFBL, but hopefully it'll be soon. I've thought up of some plot twists and the direction the story is going in, so that'll be fun to write. I've started to work on the next chappy, but its not quite finished. I'm thinking of writing all of the chappies out before posting them so I can post them one after another and save you guys from agonizing pain of waiting.
          I'd also like to thank for all your lovely comments, they brighten my day immediately, and I love it. 
          Thank you for putting up with my hiatus, and just me in general. I'm glad that you lot still enjoy my fanfic! c:
          Love you loads, my little Adipose! (God, those things are adorable. And I need to study, wish me luck!)
          Until next time,
          Domo Horan xx


Sorry ~ Note, Please Read! 
          Hey guys!
          Please forgive me for not updating RMFBL, it's just that I've kinda been outta me game in writing it.
          But on a brighter note, I've started chappy 21, but I'm not sure when I'll finish.
          Please remember that writing the fanfic isn't all that I do, I still have school, and I still have expectations to reach.
          So please forgive me.
          I've also started working on two Percy Jackson fics. They're both Percy x OC, and I'm not sure if I would like to post it.
          That's where you guys come in,
          since I can't decide I'll let you guys. Comment a 
          " Please post it " if you would like me to,
          or a
          " Nah, don't. " if you don't want me to.
          and I guess we'll see what'll happen until then.
          So, yeah.
          Okay, going back to RMFBL, it's almost finished, and I'm expecting 6-8 more chappies. not really sure but yeah. 
          Since I'm working on chappy 21, I'm not sure when I will finish it, but please forgive me for the extremely long wait.
          I love you guys so much! you guys are amazing, I'm so glad that you enjoy my fic! :)
          I love you, my sexy llamas! 
          Well, until next time,
          Domo Horan xx