
Hi guys, it would be appreciated if you could check out this story on @autowriter it’s really good!!


Love your icon, it's awesome! :)


@fanficseverywhere_ Np! :) Honestly, I keep seeing all these Maggie icons and now i think I might need one too hahaha XD


I am very big on the Walking Dead, and of Norman Reedus :3. I look forward to reading your Daryl Dixon stories, haha. I have been working on my own for a while but between life and life, I find it hard to find the time to write. Anyway, I do really hope you find the time to update yours, because I really am looking forward to jumping in and reading them :D


So kind <3 I've kinda got writers block atm but I'm gonna try my hardest in the next week to get a chapter up for BOTH