
I have recently unpublished all of my stories. I know everyone enjoys Fan fiction but I’m ready to move past that phase of my life as a author. Sorry for any inconsistencies. I’ll be writing more young adult/ teen -fiction 


@fangirling_or_nah whatttttttttttttt I respect your choices but you don't understand how  broken my heart is 〰〰


I have recently unpublished all of my stories. I know everyone enjoys Fan fiction but I’m ready to move past that phase of my life as a author. Sorry for any inconsistencies. I’ll be writing more young adult/ teen -fiction 


@fangirling_or_nah whatttttttttttttt I respect your choices but you don't understand how  broken my heart is 〰〰


In your to far gon book, which is amazing by the way, you mentioned a book called son of Odin but it’s not here? 


I had a lot (and still do) on my plate. I’m currently in my last year of high school and previously trying to juggle everything caused me to lose interest in completing it. Maybe one day. But not now. 


Sorry for being inactive for sooo long. Writers block is a painBut this time I'm back for good this time with brand new storiesI have a few ideas on what I'm going to write but I need feedback and suggestions. All are welcome to Dm me with ideas✌


Should I write a PJO/Maze Runner crossover next. PLEASE VOTE YES OR NO on my profile. I need to know if you would read it before I start writing.
          Thank you! 


@DontDenyIt51 @Manang15 @-Hot-stuff I started writing a month back do a chapter will be posted in a few more weeks. Sorry it took so long to reply. I didn't check my board until just now 