
So I finally updated something! Granted it is something band new but ya know that detail isn't important. So anyway of you don't read the authors note, California Winter is a story being written by two people. My friend also lives in a different state and doesn't have a wattpad account. So be patient with updates. We both have lives :P and we have no idea where this story is going because we decided we weren't going to talk about the plot so yeah. Hope you guys like it!


So I finally updated something! Granted it is something band new but ya know that detail isn't important. So anyway of you don't read the authors note, California Winter is a story being written by two people. My friend also lives in a different state and doesn't have a wattpad account. So be patient with updates. We both have lives :P and we have no idea where this story is going because we decided we weren't going to talk about the plot so yeah. Hope you guys like it!


Ugh life is stupid and seriously getting in the way of editing and reporting everything so I'm so sorry guys but it looks like it'll be a while before I can post anything.  I hate school again and second semester just started last week. And I'm already swamped. So again I'm sorry guys but I promise I am working on stuff as fast as I can with taking 4 honors classes, being a part of the school newspaper, being heavily involved in theatre and simply needing to sleep and stuff. I love you all and I hope you can stick with me through all of this!


hi everyone! just wanted to let you all know that I haven't fallen off the face of the planet and do plan to get back to writing on a more... regular basis. but first, I decided that it was time I do some major editing on my stories. I have gotten a lot of feedback saying some of the plot lines aren't believable and all that jazz, which I have come to realize is very very true. so that is what I plan on doing for the next couple of months. as I re-upload chapters, please do take a look and let me know what you think, if its better, if its worse if there really wasn't a change etc. I really love all your feedback so any you can give me is fantastic.
          in addition, I just got a new laptop (YAY) so hopefully you will be seeing a lot more of me on this site and a lot more activity.


@GetMyReadOn haha good question. I'll let you know as soon as I know :)


Will you be letting us know when these new updates happen?


Are you done writing, or are you still gonna write?


Yay! And I totally get that! and you're welcome :)


Thank you for following btw!!!


No I am still writing. School has gotten really crazy for me and I don't have anything ready, but I am still writing I promise. It just happens to be taking me a long time


I gotta admit, im terrible at the whole making myself sit down and write something thing. So if someone wants to become my personal really annoying person that will message me/text me unrelentingly until I actually get like a chapter done, that would be great! 
          and im being totally serious here. im getting nothing done and it sucks.
          ill dedicate chapters to you and I will totally read everything you have and vote and all that crap if someone would do this!
          im so weird...
          anyway message me if you are even slightly interested!


Hey everybody! I know I haven't posted anything in a whole and most of you know that's because I'm working on a full length novel right now. Well, I'm sorry to report it's going to be even more of a wait. And before I explain anything I want all of you to know I am so sorry that this is happening and that you'll be waiting even longer for anything. So my explanation for this: I can feel myself slipping into a depression state. And I've been through these before but I can tell this ones going to be worse. I have lost all interest in practically everything, including writing, so even when I force myself to sit down and write something, I'm still not motivated to do something with anything. I have no idea how long it will take for me to get back into the swing if things but I hope all of you will stick with me while I figure this out and get something acceptable out to you guys. Again I am so sorry. I could not be more disappointed in myself that this is happening and in delaying this even more and I can't apologize enough. 
          But thank you to everyone who does stick with me and everyone who is patient with me. Thank you thank you thank you. I love you all and I could not have better followers.