
*breaks through fog of depression and adult responsibilities* I’M ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!
          	And I’ve written the prologue to Rise. Naturally, my work computer won’t allow me to post it! But I’m gonna get it up here soon.
          	Anyone still design book covers? I’m a words person, my picture art it’s... it’s not so good. I need a book cover for Rise. :) 
          	I’ve missed y’all. 




Thank you!! Thank you!!!.
          Lol, I start with thank you because your books are amazing and I absolutely love everything. Thank you for making this few day reading Black out worth it.
          More than anything else, I really hope you are doing alright, I hope you are well. Your writing is an inspiration to me and I love you for that. Keeping doing what you do best. Thank you!❤️
          PS. Hope to read all your books when publish....if I know the name to look out for.


This is so random but I also came back today to look for blackout! I’m so excited to hear that you’re doing a revamp


Hello! I appreciate you taking the time to read my early drafts and post such a kind comment. I apologize for taking so long to reply. If you haven’t gathered from my characters, I definitely struggle with depression and anxiety that can take me out for months at a time. 
            As it stands now, I am doing a complete revamp and revision of Black Out—revisiting this draft years later with new eyes, I see many elements I want to keep, and many elements, such as plot line and flow, that I now have solid ideas for that I think will make for a cohesive, strong manuscript.
            From there I’m beginning the journey of agent querying and I sure hope that someday, I can bring my completed, vastly improved series to readers everywhere. After all, connection through words is what moves me. :) 
            Many thanks to you for giving some of your time to me and these characters I so dearly love. I hope you are well!


ah i’ve been on here for years but for the past two, i just haven’t...this app didn’t feel the same for me anymore. it didn’t feel like home anymore. rather it felt like somewhere i was being forced to stay in for quite a while. 
          and it still doesn’t feel the same, but re-reading  “fade in” today...after such a long, long, long time...it means everything to feel that tiny bit sense of home again. 
          i hope you’re okay...and i hope the characters are still here with us. they’re the ones, all thanks to you, keeping me holding on piece by piece. 
          thank you. 


Thank you for these amazing words. I am ok, hanging in there. I have started and stopped “Rise” a thousand times and just can’t figure out how to start it properly. Every draft has felt cheesy. But I’m still hanging on. :) it’s been a wild couple of years. I hope you are doing ok, and it helps to come on here after so long and see that my characters even connected with one person. Makes it all worth it. 


So, I just finished book 2 and I'm kind of freaking out that there's no book 3 yet. LOL. But really, IS there going to be a book 3??? Please, please, please??!!!!


Yes, someday. “Rise” is still formulating in my head. For now, I’m doing a complete overhaul of Black Out and will then begin my journey of finding it a home to publish, hopefully. ❤️


*breaks through fog of depression and adult responsibilities* I’M ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!
          And I’ve written the prologue to Rise. Naturally, my work computer won’t allow me to post it! But I’m gonna get it up here soon.
          Anyone still design book covers? I’m a words person, my picture art it’s... it’s not so good. I need a book cover for Rise. :) 
          I’ve missed y’all. 




okay...so i really don't know how to start this whole speech i just feel the need to say something after finishing reading Fade In...
          okay so I guess you can say that right now i'm just completely SHOCKED at what's happened. i'm a mix of confusion, frustration, excitement, agony, and just pure ASTONISHMENT.
          like holy SH*T that last chapter was intense.
          from what i've read from your recent message on your board, it's clear you've gone through something very personal since the last time you've updated Fade In and I sincerely hope things are getting better for you <3 <3
          and so intertwining that personal pain into the last chapter of Fade In, it's so overwhelming yet so beautiful at the same time like oh my GOSH, how are you not published yet?
          i'm not kidding when i say i'll seriously be one of the first to buy these books because it's PHENOMENAL. i cannot wait for the third book, especially on how things ended in Fade In.
          my respect for you as a writer goes way beyond right now and i can't be anymore grateful that you decided to share your amazing talent as a writer on Wattpad.
          just...bless you so muchhh xx


This is such a wonderful message and I so appreciate it.
            I wrote the second book from a deeply personal level. Nearly everything Lena has endured, I have too. It was therefore incredibly hard to pen. But I think there are many people out there who have similar circumstances, and I wanted them to know they are not alone.
            Evan is heavily based on my fiancé. The key difference is he never questioned my story or took anyone's side but my own. He is my rock and the reason I still write.
            Well. One of the reasons. You and people like are why I'll never stop writing. Even if I never make a dime. At least I reached someone.
            Bless YOU and thank you, dear, from the bottom of my heart.