
Also an FYI, plagiarism isn’t cute! Same cover, same wording, same characters, same title….hmmm it’s sounding a bit too pathetic! I have also acquired a new writing partner to finish up this story for you wonderful fans. That’s all for now. 


Also an FYI, plagiarism isn’t cute! Same cover, same wording, same characters, same title….hmmm it’s sounding a bit too pathetic! I have also acquired a new writing partner to finish up this story for you wonderful fans. That’s all for now. 


Hello Brokeback Tommen fanbase! It has come to my attention that our wonderful, original, groundbreaking story has a cheap copy. Don’t fret! We haven’t completely disappeared. I will be coming back in a matter of days. Brady has been in the hospital, so this has been a hard time for us, but we appreciate the real fans who stayed and didn’t resort to some trash version of our creative idea. NO ONE IS BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL. This is it. We will return. Be ready. XOXO, Ethan 


we are officially back to writing! we are very sorry for disappearing and taking a months long hiatus, brady was feeling very suicidal this past summer, so he was sent to a regular hospital, then a mental hospital, and then rehab for drug use. he is now back and better than ever tho, but keep him in your prayers!


@feelysfarm22 i will pray for him every night and lick my toes for feely