
Hey guys ... It's Minhee. Chapter 2 of "WHILE SEARCHING MY SOULMATE" has been published today. Make sure to check it. Do vote and comment if you like it. I've put all my efforts into it. Your comment makes my day. Bye... Take care ... Love you guys. ❤️❤️❤️


Check it out if interested
          Embark on your journey through the imaginations of flawless tales of fairies


@Seong_Grace Sure. I will order when I need it.


Hey guys ... It's Minhee. Chapter 2 of "WHILE SEARCHING MY SOULMATE" has been published today. Make sure to check it. Do vote and comment if you like it. I've put all my efforts into it. Your comment makes my day. Bye... Take care ... Love you guys. ❤️❤️❤️


Hey guys... it's Minhee. Can someone suggest me an app for making covers? I just wanted to make one on my own. I don't like being a burden, you know? Pls tell me if you know any. Love you... I'll see you later with a amazing chapter of 'Affection' and 'WHILE SEARCHING MY SOULMATE'. Thank you for all your support. Byeeee...


Hey guys... It's Minhee... I've published a new story named "WHILE SEARCHING MY SOULMATE J.H.S FF FT: BTS & TXT" Make sure to check it out when free. Hope you like it. Do vote and comment your opinions. Add this to your library for regular updates. Bye guys... Love you ❤️❤️❤️.....