
Hello! So many of us deep, introspective, writers struggle with things like depression. I saw a fantastic documentary today you should all see. Actually, everyone should see it because it's just great. It's also a book and a play. So if you don't have HBO, look for the book.
          	One of the most important thing he states in this, which I have Advised to many of you is: "Everything is temporary!"
          	PS I have a sister that killed herself. The pain and guilt of not being able to help her never, ever, goes away. 


Hello! So many of us deep, introspective, writers struggle with things like depression. I saw a fantastic documentary today you should all see. Actually, everyone should see it because it's just great. It's also a book and a play. So if you don't have HBO, look for the book.

          One of the most important thing he states in this, which I have Advised to many of you is: "Everything is temporary!"
          PS I have a sister that killed herself. The pain and guilt of not being able to help her never, ever, goes away. 


broccoli is delicious ! *hands you a broccoli* 
          eheh i'm weird, sorry...


:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


@blurrynight-  This is y I love wattpad!!!


Oh my gosh!!! I just had the absolute BEST thing happen to me. @rdiamond89 dedicated a chapter to me AND made me some hot new book covers!! I'm breathless of how amazing she is. Not only has she read Ask Jake, just because I love her books and asked her to, but she gave me amazing editing advice, mentioned me on social media, she tells me I'm pretty... seriously, is this what a girl crush feels like? She made me book covers! And they are freakin great!!!
          She doesn't need this plug (she's wildly popular) because her books are incredible, but you just need to read The Women of Pierce Logan series. If we're already friends on Wattpad, then you've already gotten this recommendation, but if I don't have the pleasure of knowing you yet... go to her profile and check them out. @rdiamond89 
          This year has been one of the most challenging of my life, but there are a certain few that remind me of the good...and it does more than help. It helps me fly above the BS and notice the stars. 