One thing you need to know about me: I'm weird, really really weird 
  • InscritMay 7, 2014


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fifilou fifilou Jun 23, 2015 03:13AM
I'm also really loud and don't post much on here. 
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Histoires par Sophia
Annika Ramona: Prophecy of Disaster Book 1 par fifilou
Annika Ramona: Prophecy of Disaste...
*** PLEASE READ I noticed I have several reads (24 to be exact thank you!!!!) So I want to ask, are you inter...
17 sisters and a brother par fifilou
17 sisters and a brother
This is basically a peek into the lives of 17 sisters and their brother. If you guys know me you probably kno...
My brother is a pop star par fifilou
My brother is a pop star
Sabrina is a directioner. She finally gets her dream of meeting 1D on her 13th birthday for her birthday part...
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