
this message may be offensive
          	It looks like I'll be using the app a LOT more, because the new profile design is just..... ugh.


This message is to those of you who read Loki's Fangirl Army.  Which, I have a feeling, is most of you.
          I'm fully aware that I need to update Loki's Fangirl Army soon.  I fully had plans to give you an update tonight.  In fact, I just spent two hours writing said update.
          'But James,' you might be thinking, 'that's wonderful news!  If you spent two hours on it, then you must have finished it, and it must be amazing!'
          Well, I did.  And it was.
          And then Wattpad's server deleted the entire chapter.
          So, I'm sorry to say, you cupcakes will have to wait a couple days for the next chapter.  I promise, I'll try to make it good.  I'll try to skip over all that annoying stuff like description, and moving, and Shadow punching Max....
          HAHAHAHAHA nope.  That bit doesn't happen.... Yet.... xD


How dare you defile New Mexico *scowls*.  Lived there for 15 years, met my husband there, had kids there and no - there isn't "horrid food."  There is food that you have to get used to and have to acquire at taste for, but now that I'm in Texas, I crave it every day.
          Enough lecture - it's very, very different than what you are used to but I hope you understand the savage beauty of that land when you come home.  
          Because it plays very prominently in my upcoming chapters.  
          Have a wonderful time, James.  
          See you soon (if you survive the enchladas) - bwahahahaha!


Hello, my cupcake-children. How are you this fine morning, or evening if any of you are feather-brained enough to still be up?
          By the time you read this message, I'll be on a plane to New Mexico, where I will be enjoying the hospitality of summer camp for about a week.  Freezing cold showers, horrid food, no wifi, what's not to like?  You know, besides EVERYTHING.
          And yes, you read that correctly.  I won't have wifi.  And you know what that means.... My updates will be even more non-existent than they were already.
          Hey, before anyone gets pissed at me, it wasn't entirely my fault.  My iPod has been glitching and twitching and bitching and freezing a lot lately, which, of course, made updating very hard.
          So in conclusion, I'm going to be AWAYYYYY for a week or so, hopefully I'll be able to write when gone but I won't be updating during that time, and you all are my cupcake-children.
          Clear?  'Kay bye, I'm going to go get some sleep.


Loki doki. To all of you who read Loki's Fangirl Army, I just edited it and made some changes. It would be best to read through again, but that's not going to happen, so...
          1) Loki would not have a car in Manhattan.  There's not enough space to park it.  Therefore, he now has a car service and driver; driver is named Eric
          2) A bunch of the dialogue is now fixed.
          3) I combined the last two chapters into one, because that really wasn't a good chapter break.
          Still writing the next chapter; sorry for weird updates!