Almost 4k on my Ouran book. Seriously? The grammar though. You guys are the best. But if I really mean anything to you, please listen to my explanation as to why I've been lacking in updating...
Well, my father has been sick and my mother rushed him to the hospital. He's been getting sick and I've only really gotten to see him for about thirty minutes. My sister must fend for ourselves in the wild plains of Africa called life. I've been cleaning my cats barf, vacuumed the whole house, and occasionally cook because my mother has been in and out of the hospital with my dad. And I totally understand and I tell her to take her time and make sure he's okay, but I always feel bad because I'm trying to save up for a drawing tablet, but hospitals are very expensive. And, no, I don't expect them to buy it for me. I'm totally doing this on my own. It's just...I'll try to update.
Listen. I don't really know how many of you are reading this, but if you are, can you check out my new Ouran story? It's basically about Red, but you know? Just...just read it to understand. BUT IM NOT FORCING YOU, ITS JUST I REALLY LIKE IT SO FAR AND IM TRYING TO UPDATE IT.
The reason it wasn't the rewrite of My other book is because I feel like Red totally developed too fast. Same douche father, same sick mother, different name (kinda), and different Ouran member. Anyway, hope ha understand. I FRKIN LOVE MY UNICARLS!!!