Hi. To begin, I want to enunciate that I'm a huge dork and enjoy the small things in life because the small things are what keep people's sanity (especially my own). I can be super happy, or super depressing, depends on who I decide to speak to. I do tend to rant on a number of things, but if you really want to aggravate me, then tell me being homosexual is bad. If you do, I will start plotting your demise! It's funny until you realize... I'm not joking. I am bisexual (but prefer one gender more than the other) and if you think homosexuality is bad, then your stupid. Beside that point, here are things I like:
Guys and girls (duh!)
Reading/writing (duh!)
School (oh yeah, I LOVE it)
People who are positive and nice
Drawing (mostly digital)
Cartoon Network shows (Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Ben 10, etc.), Anime (this does include Avatar), Dan Schneider shows, and anything I find that's good (like Chuck, Psych, Warehouse 13, Eureka, etc.)
Autumn and Spring
Puzzles and Brain Teasers
Oregon Chai Tea
Disney, Dreamworks, Pixar
Honest people
Some pop music, but mostly soundtracks from movies or shows
Art that is fantasy or surreal
Quotes that are completely true and meaningful
Feedback, comments, likes, whatever you got!

Things I dislike:
Homophobes (otherwise known as jerks and idiots who need to go die in a hole. You hate them because, you're just jealous they can express their true nature more than others)
Things that are super sweet like candy and cake (exception is people, people can be super sweet)
Dishonest people
People who talk on their phones during the most inappropriate times (technology has ruined hospitality)
Frozen (it's not a bad movie, but come on, it's not that great)
Cussing (you can cuss, I just don't like it)

And a bunch of other stuff. One last thing... READ MY BOOK THE PROPHECY!!! Then wait for the next one, Ascension!
  • Atlantis, in the Pacific Ocean, not the Atlantic one (hah, we tricked you)
  • انضمAugust 26, 2014


الرسالة الأخيرة
CyrusKoredon CyrusKoredon Jul 09, 2015 03:43PM
@kennedith WHATA WHA HUH?!?!?!?!? You got shot? Since when? How? WHAT EVEN?
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