
@Mockingjay457 erm... is it rama or sita? i always get mixed u :D


@fizzyfazzy4life SUP MINIME!!!! HAHAHA! C'mon ,it was the TEEN VIBE!!!! LIKE, ALL HIPPIE STYLE AND CRAP ^_^ and URGH, DEFINITLY! We're going to DO SOMETHING next time we c eathodaaarrr ;S AND OMG, I FELT LIKE DOING A HAPPY DANCE WHEN UR BOOK FINAALLLYYYYY LOADED UP!!!!!!! Mariam sounds AWESOME [from her comments] and yeah, sis watching 'arthur', talking about 'bionic bunny' and lokin @ ur dp.... SWER IZ TRUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND Dawg, swag, like, erm, yeah..... innit blud o_o cuz liek, mi swag.. is like berr piff like... erm.. imah shurrup now... gosh....


ur whole message took me one minute to read because you added so much slang! and omg, the  comments you left on my book are hilarious, and i wonder how pregnant women use their gift cards, they'd probably just recieve gift cards to spend at mother care! You would be such a sill mom, take my word for it, u silly billy, can't wait to see you, and hopefully, i wont be sleeping like last time! 


@fizzyfazzy4life Halloooo!!! [cant say dah wivowt finkin of patatiowz, cuz we're bengali and crap inniiitttttaa. and yazz, ik iz ALOO. gaaasshh] I CANT HUG PEOPLE ANYMORE WIVOUT MY FACE COLLIDING WIV DER TUMMYS! EVERYONNEEE IS GRROWWIINMNGGGG. oh, and im ussin' ur giftcard like a pregnant lady getz contractionz ^_^