Why do people like anime?
Why do people cry over anime?
Why do people even make anime?
Anime... anime isn’t a show, it’s a story and it tells the tail of many brave people.
Anime is the place people can go to when they are sad and broken.
Anime is a safe zone, a place you can be yourself.
Anime isn’t just something you can make, it’s something people use to explain their feelings, express themselves.
Without anime I would be broken, but why does it make me cry?
Anime isn’t a show it’s beauty, sadness, happiness, love, hate, adventure, and so much more.
Anime makes people cry because it shows that they know what your going through, it helps people, and in my case it cured some of my depression.
Anime makes you cry when you realize your best friend isn’t real, it’s a character in a tail.
But to those who truly understand anime, you know they aren’t fake, they are in your heart they are memories you can never forget.
Anime makes you cry because the people in the tails that it tells are humans, they understand you, and it hurts so so SO much when you can’t comfort them.
Anime hurts you in a way, when you realize you will never be able to touch or hug your best friend it hurts in so many different ways.
That is what anime is, a tail telling the story of the brave, the sad, the revenge filled, the happy.