
just unpublished the atlas preview book. it is now outdated for multiple reasons and i don't want to leave it up anymore. thank you to anyone who read or supported it while it was up, but i think it will be a while before atlas sees the public again.


@floor_dust hey, did you abandon writing? It's been over a year since you did any updates at all, everything alright?


just unpublished the atlas preview book. it is now outdated for multiple reasons and i don't want to leave it up anymore. thank you to anyone who read or supported it while it was up, but i think it will be a while before atlas sees the public again.


@floor_dust hey, did you abandon writing? It's been over a year since you did any updates at all, everything alright?


bruh it has been so long i am so sorry y'all. college started a while back and i've lowkey had no time to work on anything. i'm also thinking about switching to ao3 for my next uploads, and overall i'm just not too sure if atlas is at a point where i want to post it publicly. i think i want to have a blueprint/description of the laboratory and have all the ardorwalker designs finalized (or at least have a concept for most of them) before i post reference images. i've been kind of rushing on some of the ones where i didn't have a concrete design and they came out looking unsatisfying to me. so the final verdict is that i'll announce if i make a post on ao3, but chances are it won't happen for a while. maybe if i get ALL the data entries for the ardorwalkers finalized and am really satisfied with them (and maybe if i add a bit of new information to flesh things out??) then i'll post them without refs. i'm just not sure if the universe is at a point where it can be written about, by fans or by me, so posting about the species might be useless when you'll not have any information about their environment. trust me, all of this will be very different from kaiju paradise (especially because of some recent announcements they've made...) so you won't be able to use that as a point of reference. so yeah, i'm not dead, sorry about that lmao! hopefully i can do more work over the summer since i'm not really getting a winter break this year...


ngl i keep backtracking as far as completeness goes. i don't really even think i want this story to be based on transformation anymore. those games seem to have a bad reputation and attract a strange fanbase, even if the transformation is nonsexual in nature like mine is. i just want to keep that kind of toxicity out of this project. besides, most "transfur" projects are shutting down due to their inherent similarities with changed, so i might go a different direction entirely. do rest assured that i am going to keep the characters/species i made especially for this story because i truly do love them, i just don't know what i'm going to do with them just yet. shoutout to my, like, two active followers if y'all are still around btw, y'all kept me working on this for a long time and are part of the reason i even kept posting publicly about updates. in short, maybe i'll show this project off again one day, but i'm afraid it's too early in development to say much now.


not sure if anyone got a notification for my old kaiju paradise fic just now, but excite not folks, i didn't update it, just officially marked it as completed because wattpad got upset that i didn't do that sooner. though, it told me there was an error when i did so whether it actually worked or not i have no clue. anyway, atlas stuff is going good! i'm cranking out refs at a steady rate (~1/2 every week) and tweaking a bit of the universe rules, but none of it should cause the next story to be delayed for very long at all! i'm also doing some personal stuff with it like making ocs and shorts, just to see how everything "feels" to write about. hopefully you all can do the same very soon! good day/night/whatever!


Hey fellas! The bestiary is coming along nicely. I have nearly all the entries finished in terms of writing, I just need to draw a reference image for (nearly) 30 different ardorwalkers, so it still may be a bit before I can start publishing. I think I'll do it in parts, one part every week or so, so that you can receive content from the story as I continue to work on it. I can't say when I'll begin posting yet, but it shouldn't be too long now!


@floor_dust Can't wait to see it just don't overwork yourself person


Hey y'all, I just wanted to say that I promise I'm still working on Atlas things! I'm doing a mix of overall story/lore things and short story things, so it will still be a while before a new book drops. I think it will either be the shorts compilation or the bestiary though, but I still have a bit to do for both... Stay tuned!


Hey readers! I realize I haven't posted... anything whatsoever since the Atlas preview, but I'm afraid that I want to do some rebranding of the universe before I go on. You see, "goo furries" have a bit of a... reputation that is less than sfw in the furry community. This is something I would like to avoid with this universe as much as possible. I was thinking I might change the ardorex to a "mutagen" type chemical. Something that would, instead of covering the body and absorbing it (which is kind of gross in retrospect), instantly cause a mutation in the individual, causing fur to burst from their skin instead. The victim will still lose their memories and such, but it will look a bit different aesthetically. For ardorwalkers, I was thinking that the mutation/infection would be spread through a bite, where a large amount of ardorex is injected directly into the bloodstream of the victim. I want to take a more body horror sort of approach with this series, and I think this might help. Those who came from Kaiju Paradise may or may not mind this change, but if you no longer have an interest in the series because of it, I will not be offended if you choose to stop following the series. Opinions on this are welcome, as well as suggestions for what else I might change. Thank you for reading and following my series up until now!


@Noteless1 Hey just a quick question is your Kp story permanently discontinued or is there a chance you'll countiniue it? I understand why you discontinued it though so sorry if I sound rude I'm just wondering


@BookReader999999999 Lol, I believe I am still alive, yes. Honestly, I'm not sure yet. It could be next week or next year at this point. I might have something smaller soon, but I'm not sure when it will be posted yet.


@Noteless1 I don't mean to stress you but are you still alive? And if so when will you publish your next book?


@Noteless1 Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing more stories from you in the future:D


this message may be offensive
Heyyy guys! I don't know who's actually going to see this, but if any of you are into my one (1) story, you'll probably be not very happy to hear that I plan to discontinue it. Because I live under a rock, I JUST heard that panther, carneline, and lantern shark are being removed because Mysticalesta is leaving the team. Those are my favorite designs honestly and the game has just generally gone to shit since then. Sorry if you guys were waiting for something more. There's a slim chance I'll write about Kaiju Paradise for the foreseeable future, but maybe I'll branch out and write about something else instead. Omw to officially mark the story as discontinued!


@Noteless1 You know it's rare to find a good writer that's not rude on wattpad these days and I get it writing and coming up with ideas and writing probably takes a lot of timebut don't overwork yourself and drop deadXD


@BisexualRobloxPlayer I'll be honest with you, I'm not sure. I have some story ideas in mind, but none of them are close enough to being finished for me to write about. Basically, whenever inspiration strikes me and I churn out something I think is good enough to upload, I will. I'm very glad to see people enjoyed my stories so much btw!


@Noteless1 Not to sound rude but when will you begin writing a new story?