Hey readers! I realize I haven't posted... anything whatsoever since the Atlas preview, but I'm afraid that I want to do some rebranding of the universe before I go on. You see, "goo furries" have a bit of a... reputation that is less than sfw in the furry community. This is something I would like to avoid with this universe as much as possible. I was thinking I might change the ardorex to a "mutagen" type chemical. Something that would, instead of covering the body and absorbing it (which is kind of gross in retrospect), instantly cause a mutation in the individual, causing fur to burst from their skin instead. The victim will still lose their memories and such, but it will look a bit different aesthetically. For ardorwalkers, I was thinking that the mutation/infection would be spread through a bite, where a large amount of ardorex is injected directly into the bloodstream of the victim. I want to take a more body horror sort of approach with this series, and I think this might help. Those who came from Kaiju Paradise may or may not mind this change, but if you no longer have an interest in the series because of it, I will not be offended if you choose to stop following the series. Opinions on this are welcome, as well as suggestions for what else I might change. Thank you for reading and following my series up until now!