
this message may be offensive
It honestly hurt Michael. It was just so hard to see his best friend basically killing himself night and night again. All the drinking, the drug and the staying out till 3am every goddamn day, even when he promised he wouldn't, because they had an early interview, really wore Michael out.
          	It's a really hard fucking time for them. 
          	This isn't a romance story. It's more like the ot4 friendship during a hard time, so there isn't a particular ship. 
          	The story is original and can only be reposted/adapted with my explicit permission.
          	TW: strong language, anxiety attack, mentions of verbal and (slight) physical abuse, excessive consume of alcohol and drugs, slight mention of homophobia (slurs).
          	Uh, hi, I think. I just posted this(^^) new 5sos' one shot and I'd really appreciate if you could have a look. Be careful with the trigger warnings, though, because I don't want any of you to feel bad. You're loved and I'm really thankful for you!


this message may be offensive
It honestly hurt Michael. It was just so hard to see his best friend basically killing himself night and night again. All the drinking, the drug and the staying out till 3am every goddamn day, even when he promised he wouldn't, because they had an early interview, really wore Michael out.
          It's a really hard fucking time for them. 
          This isn't a romance story. It's more like the ot4 friendship during a hard time, so there isn't a particular ship. 
          The story is original and can only be reposted/adapted with my explicit permission.
          TW: strong language, anxiety attack, mentions of verbal and (slight) physical abuse, excessive consume of alcohol and drugs, slight mention of homophobia (slurs).
          Uh, hi, I think. I just posted this(^^) new 5sos' one shot and I'd really appreciate if you could have a look. Be careful with the trigger warnings, though, because I don't want any of you to feel bad. You're loved and I'm really thankful for you!


this message may be offensive
Heyy, guys!!
          You good?
          So, idk if you know it, but I'm a very big 5sos fan and I like writing about them. There was some accusations made against Michael - the guitarist - in the end of June and it really fucked my mind up a little bit. Then, based on that, I wrote a one shot that shows 5sos' (especially Michael's) reaction to the tag. 
          I would really like if you could check it out. Thank you and I hope you're well and safe wherever you are!!


          Now, post this on everyone’s wall who you think deserves all the love in the world.


Heyy people
          Sooo, I am particularly happy and excited today, because it is my birthday. And, to celebrate that, I decided to post my most recent one shot. It's not from the HP Universe, but I am still very satisfied with the results. 
          It's a bit cliche, because it's a Muke (Michael and Luke) songfic with one of 5 Seconds of Summer's songs, so yeah, I can be extremely original with that promt, but still.
          Go check it out, make sure to comment and vote and I'm sure you can make this one hell of an awesome birthday. 
          Okay, I'll shut up now, bye


@ foockinlost  ♡


@1998mendesarmy08 thank you so much 
            I really hope you like it!


Hi, I am here again and I apolagize for it. 
          My bff wrote a song and I wrote an oneshot about her song. 
          It's a bit angst (I think I can call it that, but idk) and I am very, very proud of it
          Go check it out :D


@foockinlost okay, i gonna see


@-drarryy it's an original one. It's called 4L


@foockinlost tell me what's the song


Hey, guys. Y'all good? Sooo, I just posted a Wolfstar oneshot on my profile and I would really apreciate it if you could take a look. It's called 'Sacrifice' and I am very proud of it, although I am not 100% confident about grammar and stuff, bc English isn't my first language, but anywayss
          I have to put a trigger alert of sorts here, bc suicide is mentioned, but, don't worry, there are no explicit descriptions. 
          Please, if you like it, take a look!


Oh it’s no problem, I can be kinda slow sometimes :)


@SadlyMad22 thank you :D
            I'm sory you got confused tho


It was a good one-shot! :D