The names Kaylee, but my little sister calls me Kiwi and I am 19 years old. ( today is my birthday ). ~ well not anymore 

I loved writing forever. I'm just an awkward girl who has a dream of becoming an author.

I've always wanted a wattpad buddy... ( I am totally normal, I swear).

I am really weird, and cannot start conversations, I love pie( pumpkin and apple), and if you give me food I would love you forever and ever.

I'm really awkward.

If you want to co-write or edit any of my books, just message me.
Please and thanks!

|n e r d f i g h t e r f o r l i f e|

What's this, an old cheese pizza, with mold and a rat on it?

*tells the rat to move*

*picks up the pizza and eats it*

  • Narnia
  • InscritJune 26, 2013

Dernier message
foreverdream24 foreverdream24 May 13, 2014 10:43PM
@foffie Omg foff, she was talking to meh. Hah just kidding.
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