
Okay I never say anything here haha but I just uploaded a one shot story and I would like YOU to read it  so yeah, do it ): I love you 


Can you pleas update "it takes nothing" soon and maybe make it where Lisa yells and tells them that they aren't the the only ones suffering and that she is suffering too, and that they are being selfish and need to look at both sides of the situation, not only theirs.That she's suffering not the same but just as much. Then they feel bad, she ignores them, and then she pours her heart out to surfer dude. Just a suggestion:)


Wait I'm confused? Did Lisa really die or is she still alive because it says plot twist. Please don't make Lisa die but it's okay if you do. I mean it is your story. So could you please answer my question in the first two sentences. 


@ayannabonna She actually dies.. but not really haha I can't tell you anything else because you'll find out on the next chapter haha I'm sorry ):