
whoo preview for my new story is up! 
          	*she says as she awkwardly doesn't talk about finishing her older stories*
          	LET'S GO #NANOWRIMO2016
          	I'm so going to fail miserably XD
          	best of luck to everyone participating! <3
          	first chapter will be up soon :)


UPDATES ON MY STORIES: My stories are going through some MAJOR editing right now! Especially Breathless because like with The Arrogant Prince and I, I wrote without any outlines and I was pretty much winging the whole story. I don't want to do that anymore. Right now I'm focusing on writing TAPAI (it's my main focus) but when that's finished (or I get bored and want to do something new) I'll be working on Breathless edits and making an outline for that story. 
          Sorry for any inconveniences! I really want to try being active on this site and try to be a better writer. I hope you'll stick around and witness my journey with writing. Thank you for everything :)


Halfway done chapter 3 of TAPAI! It might take me a while writing the rest because I'm writing a certain someone's first encounter with a certain someone *hint hint*
          But I'm super bad with romance and what not. Romance is so difficult for me! I will never understand couples or love XD
          Wish me luck! 
          I still need to decide a chapter name...


Dear TAPAI readers,
          I'm sorry for doing really bad at updating this story. I know there are some of you who actually care about what happens to these characters and because of that I sincerely apologize for letting you down. You see when I first started this story I had characters and I had a few events that I wanted to happen, but I didn't have much else. I was making things up as I went and I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want the way to be foggy, I want a clear path (sucky metaphors just because). So this story is going through major editing. I'm actually creating an outline now. Whatever you have read now (or read now) will probably not even happen once I'm finish. I've changed a lot of things, but I leaving the chapters I have up (for now at least) because it kind of beaks my heart a little to see it go. 
          Writing has always been fun for me so I'm very excited to finally start (and maybe actually finish!) this story. But it will always be a hobby not a chore so if your the kind of person who comments "update now please" you probably shouldn't read my stories.
          I will start posting once I finish this outline, again this might take a day (probs not a day) or it could take weeks, you'll never know with me. And if, for some reason it doesn't happen soon and I let you guys down again, I'm sorry. I've never been a reliable person. I'm trying though. I'm really going to try this time. 
          Thank you so much for the patients I hope I can actually give back for once in my life.
          Bye for now,