So hi my name is Freddy. Yay! But call me whatever you want!
So if your reading this that means you want to know a little bit about me (which idk why you would) but anyways, let me tell you a little bit about me.

So I'm 18 and I'm going to college to study Business Management. Yay!

I'm bi so that means I'm a huge LGBTQ supporter so no hate or I might hit you. I've done it before so yeaaa.

Anyways I love boyxboy stories!!! If I ever write a book it would be boyxboy.

So let me tell you some of my favorite things:
Drinking! I know I'm still underaged and what not but daddy loves him some alcohol! Stay in school kids and no drugs or alcohol for you!
I love going to parties!
Movies! They are literally the best!
There's a lot more but I can't remember right now XD

So I'm really vocal about my music taste so I feel like you guys should know a little bit about my music taste:

-Sleeping with Sirens(you don't even want to get me started on them, they are so underappreciated)
-Taylor Swift(nough said, she is queen)
-Demi Lovato(god she is amazing, you also don't want me to get started on her)
-Shawn Mendes(I know he just started and all but he's so cute and he's such an amazing singer)
-Fall Out Boy(love them so much)
-1D(I know but I just think they are amazing)
-Imagine Dragons!!!
-Lady Gaga
-Nicki Minaj <3
-The Cab(these are my babies)
-Marianas Trench(to much to say about them)
-The Vamps
-Hunter Hayes
-Mayday Parade
-My Chemical Romance

Omg there is so much more! I can't remember who all right now! *sigh*

I love helping out people, so I'm serious if anybody ever needs to talk I'm always ready to listen!

There are so many people who I love on here and who are huge inspirations, and I would say who they are but I'm literally running out of space *velociraptor scream* so I'm sorry about that, but yea!

So peace out people and I hope your having a lovely day! All of you are amazing and don't let anybody tell you differently!
  • InscritOctober 25, 2014

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