Hi Friday, I hope you are keeping well? Did you remove all if fair in love and war? I can't read it anymore? Its kind of my comfort read now. So I re read it between others but I can't search it or load it at all?!

@friday4L Hi, I'm so glad your ok, I understand and yes I was very gutted about it tbh, I read 163 books last year on kindle and I dread to think how many times I read yours as if I had a book slump or a difficult read I would re read yours to get me back into reading again. I am so excited about the possibility of a new version! If you wouldn't mind I would absolutely love the original. I'm sorry to be a pain. I hope all your exams went well as you sais you were doing alot of coursework last year. Ladyluck

@xLadyLuck89x Hi Natasha <3 It's been quite some time. I'm so sorry, I did remove it from here. Life really got in the way, and I honestly lost the flow of writing and I still haven't finished the story. I just can't quite grasp the story like I did before. I've decided to re-write the story, with a similar plot and same characters, just a different style of writing. If you'd like the original, it's still available on ao3 (my name is the same on there), but if there is a way I could contact you personally, I'd be happy to just gift you the original google doc of the story. <3 The new one I'm making will be similar, but if this one brings you comfort then I want you to have it, without any changes. It's yours if you want it <3