kaylee. 25. unlabeled.

~praise bingus~

january 26, 2017

tumblr: c0ffed.tumblr.com
twitter: @/randallcrops
  • she/they
  • InscritNovember 24, 2012

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fringe_tastic fringe_tastic Sep 24, 2022 10:56PM
I'm slowly moving to ao3 and will delete this account btw
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Histoires par kaylee // idk
san francisco: sequel to invisible [completed] par fringe_tastic
san francisco: sequel to invisible...
"You will meet someone one day and you're going to fall in love with them for their eyes, just like I di...
invisible // muke [completed] par fringe_tastic
invisible // muke [completed]
"You've made me feel so much happiness and I don't want to ever leave that happiness." It's March 2...
i miss the rain // dnf par fringe_tastic
i miss the rain // dnf
"Dream...?" I hear behind me after hearing the floorboards of our old house creak. "Are you ok...
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