@frizly im really sad, that you're not continuing on 'the underground'. I respect, that you're not feeling it anymore though. Just wanted to check and tell you that it really was a good one. Thanks
@frizly im really sad, that you're not continuing on 'the underground'. I respect, that you're not feeling it anymore though. Just wanted to check and tell you that it really was a good one. Thanks
Hi! Thanks for asking. I’m currently isolating due to catching Covid and haven’t been feeling the best. I have a lot of time on my hands but sadly I have no motivation to write another chapter yet. That feeling may change but I can’t promise anything right now, I hope you understand.
@s_sickk Thank you! I’m getting back into my writing which is making me happy but I wouldn’t write if I’m not feeling it because I know the chapter wouldn’t be worth reading
That’s perfectly ok! If you’re not ready to continue writing it yet that is perfectly fine! Take as much time as needed even if it’s another year and don’t feel rushed to update it. Have a good day, blessed be ❤️
@s_sickk Hi! Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been very motivated to write for that story as I'm not sure how I want it to flow and finish.
I 100% understand how this can feel like bad news but I will try my hardest to get a plot line ready so I can continue updating!
Thank you!
No it’s fine, I understand why people were getting annoyed. I would also, I just didn’t know how to begin the next chapter so I left it for so long and forgot about it I guess. ❤️
@frizly I don't hate you!!! Im sorry if it seemed that way, its just so good and i got a little salty that you hadnt updated. But i dont hate you!! Please dont think that. Thank you for taking your time to update it!❤